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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Omegle si geometria non-euclidiana

Tocmai mi-am consumat ultimele 3 ore discutand cu "straini absolut" pe chestia asta interesanta numita Omegle. A fost chiar mai placut decat ma asteptam. Iata logul unei discutii pe care am avut-o:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: why?
You: Because you can't handle it.
Stranger: :(
Stranger: you make me sad and happy inside
Stranger: thanks :(
You: I'm like Intel.
Stranger: yay
Stranger: intel for the.. lose
You: Just that I'm outside.
Stranger: oh...
Stranger: why?
Stranger: your outside..
Stranger: why..
Stranger: its cold!
You: No, I mean metaphysically.
Stranger: no shit
You: Yeah.
You: What's up ?
Stranger: or is it shit?
Stranger: ponder that question
Stranger: the sky
You: I don't know, I guess depends on religion.
Stranger: ?
Stranger: how are you?
You: I'm good.
You: And you ?
Stranger: pretty good
Stranger: ok
Stranger: lemme try and guess you
You: Go ahead.
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: m 20+ (usa/canada/england)
Stranger: im sure one of them will be right
You: 22, actually.
Stranger: unless your a f 10 from china
Stranger: 20+
Stranger: all right?
You: No, I;m a guy.
Stranger: 2 right
You: Yeh.
Stranger: and the end
Stranger: ?
You: No, none of those countries.
Stranger: dammit..
Stranger: which one?
You: Yeah.
You: You scored low today.
Stranger: 2 right..
Stranger: pretty good?
Stranger: country is harder though
You: Yes.
Stranger: gender is out of 2 (suprisingly)
Stranger: which country you from?
You: Romania.
Stranger: cool
Stranger: would have took me along time to guess
You: What about you.
You: Yep.
Stranger: do you wanna guess
Stranger: or shall i just say?
You: I'
You: I'll guess.
You: After we speak a while.
You: So tell me about your day.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: my day
Stranger: it was ok
You: What life changing revelations did you have today ?
Stranger: i found a dead frog
You: Interesting.
Stranger: was pretty life changing
You: You know suffering is the first of the 4 noble truths.
Stranger: :(
Stranger: i know
You: HAve you thought of suffering ?
Stranger: damn noble truths
You: When you saw the frog.
Stranger: when you say suffering
Stranger: do you mean suffering things?
Stranger: or my suffering?
You: Suffering in general.
Stranger: or other peoples/things suffering
Stranger: abit
You: The feeling of suffering.
Stranger: it was quite horrible
Stranger: i mean
Stranger: a cat attacked it
Stranger: and left it
You: Did you saw the whole thing ?
You: *see
Stranger: yes..
You: Sorry, It's 1 AM here.
You: Did you have a good day besides the dead frog ?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: 1am?
Stranger: its...
Stranger: damn
Stranger: cannot reveal
Stranger: its 5am?
Stranger: or maby 5pm
You: 1 AM is 1 in the night.
You: Or at night.
Stranger: yes
Stranger: wanna guess yet?
You: It's Monday here already.
Stranger: :o
Stranger: already.
Stranger: nooo!
Stranger: you better get sleep?
You: No, I;m good.
You: Don't work.
You: Only got school.
Stranger: ok..
Stranger: cool
Stranger: what do you do at school
You: And today I'm free.
Stranger: what do you study?
You: Applied Physics.
You: Do you study anything ?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i mean
Stranger: dam..
Stranger: age slightly revealed
Stranger: not that my grammar and typing will show it anyway
Stranger: i do maths physics biology and chemistry
You: So you're in highschool.
Stranger: pretty much
Stranger: come on
You: Or coming out of it.
Stranger: i had hardly any clues
Stranger: how many do you want
Stranger: yes im in highschool
Stranger: (we call it college here in ......)
You: And you study natural sciences.
Stranger: not really
You: We call it highscool until age 18.
Stranger: we had the choice of 4 subjects
You: And faculty after 18.
Stranger: and i choose these
You: You must live in a Western country.
You: If your educational system allowed you to choose.
Stranger: we call it secondary school 11-16 college 16-18 university 18+
Stranger: indeed
You: I see.
Stranger: you didnt get to choose after highschool
Stranger: ?
You: I did.
You: There's general school until 15.
You: Highschool from 15 to 18.
You: And faculty/university after.
Stranger: closeish to ours then
You: There are predefined profiles that you can choose in highschool.
Stranger: whats applied physics like?
You: Applied Physics is quite a nice domain.
Stranger: what are the things you do?
Stranger: just a general idea please
You: Somewhat opposed to Theoretical Physics but intertwined with it nonetheless.
You: Well...
You: I study all Physics.
You: Starting from Mechanics.
Stranger: so its not "what would happen if i was going near the speed of light with a mirror infront of myself/threw a rock/shined a light"
You: Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism, Statistical Physics, Quantum Physics, Nuclear Physics etc...
Stranger: cool
Stranger: i plan to do physics at university
You: Relativity is only a small part of Physics.
Stranger: i know it is
Stranger: im just saying
Stranger: as an example
You: We don;t really deal with it extensively.
Stranger: i cant give an example to everything
You: But it's useful for astrophysics yeah.
Stranger: it doesnt really go with the applied bit does it.
You: Well relativity is really pronounced at large scales and high speeds.
You: Of course there is need for it.
Stranger: i know
Stranger: but ..
Stranger: oh never mind
You: When dealing with subatomic Physics, involving relativistic speeds.
You: Our focus is on engineering.
You: Optoelectronics, lasers, environmental Phnysics...
Stranger: i know it is needed , but at the moment it isnt really relivent to alot of people in the way engineering and other things are
You: Yes, it's not that practical to use in real life situations.
Stranger: unlesss for some reason we go to near speeds of light
You: Though some parts of it are used in space travel and even airport traffic for example.
Stranger: then im not sure it really matters, because we will see anyway
Stranger: if we die
Stranger: airport traffic
You: Like non-euclidian mathematics.
You: Yes.
Stranger: relativity?
Stranger: whats euclidian?
You: It's hard to explain.
You: Euclid was a mathematician who proposed a few geometrical axioms.
You: In the hypothesis that space is "straight".
You: But in reality, space is curved around objects with large masses, as relativity shows.
Stranger: i see what you mean now
You: And for example, in a euclidian space, two parallel lines never meet when they are extended to infinity.
Stranger: aha
Stranger: and they do?
You: Well in reality, there is no such thing as line parallelism because there is no such thing as a straight ine.
Stranger: well yeah i know. but at basic levels
You: The shortest distance between two objects is not a line, but a curve.
Stranger: a curve?
You: And this becomes more pregnant as we approach large masses, or a higher curvature of space.
Stranger: is it?
Stranger: can you explain or is too detailed?
You: Yes, but at our scale, we can safely assume it's a line.
You: Well, think of 2 points on the surface of a sphere.
Stranger: is that at large scale or small scale?
You: And try to connect them with a straight line.
Stranger: because we dont know the shape of the universe?
You: You will see that the line forming a cord in a circle that cuts that transverses the sphere is actually longer than the circumference of the arc between the points.
Stranger: sorry im just trying to simplyfy it to my terms, because you are a hell of alot smarter than i am
You: A circle that transverses the sphere.
You: Sorry.
You: As in it cuts the sphere in two.
Stranger: no prob
Stranger: a hah...
You: So you would travel a shorter distance if you were to just walk along that arc.
You: Than to go in a straight line.
Stranger: i understand now
You: This is what non-euclidian geometry is all about.
Stranger: so does this apply to large scale?
Stranger: or small?
You: Yes, of course.
You: At large scales, where curvature is greater.
You: Think of the curvature of Earth.
You: Or any other large mass object.
Stranger: but if were in space and just say we wanted to go to another point a great distance apart
Stranger: would we know which way would be the best?
You: This is due to the fact that, as Einstein predicted and then showed, an object with mass creates a hole in the space-time fabric.
Stranger: fastest*
You: Well not really a hole, but just bends it, you know what I mean.
Stranger: i know
Stranger: like an example is a sheet held out
Stranger: with balls placed in
You: Yes, or a piece of elastic fib er.
Stranger: is that sort of a good example?
You: The elastic fiber is better.
Stranger: oh well
You: Because gravity is a force of attraction.
Stranger: its an elastic sheet
You: So when the object, say a star, becomes lighter, gravity starts to push on it.
You: And if the push of the gravity is great enough, it can "Gravitationally collapse" it.
You: And create what is called a blackhole.
Stranger: :O
Stranger: so what is in the centre of a black hole?
Stranger: just condensed matter
You: No one actually knows.
You: Yes, it seems that blackholes even emit radiation.
You: As Hawking showed it, I think.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I rest my case

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Am avut niste dificultati tehnice privind contul meu pe gmail. Din fericire s-au rezolvat si am reusit sa reintru pe blog. Voi fi putin ocupat cu scoala in perioada asta dar mai arunc cate-o fila si pe aici din cand in cand.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tabel de etalonare

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Accept the mystery

Ieri am terminat de vazut "A Serious Man", un film de fratii Coen. Ce m-a atras initial a fost ideea filmului, un profesor evreu de fizica are o criza de viata. Am fost oarecum dezamagit de incertitudinile care apareau in film, multe lucruri se termina brusc, inclusiv finalul. Si pare ca nimic nu are vreun... sens. Cauze necunoscute, un Univers aleator sau un Dumnezeu razbunator ? Cred ca asta e si ideea filmului. Incertitudinea; poate fi oricare din aceste lucruri. De fapt, sunt destul de convins ca despre asta e vorba, de-a lungul filmului exista indicii: pisica lui Schrodinger, demonstratia principiului lui Heisenberg pe care le-o face studentilor, dilema de la inceputul filmului (daca vizitatorul e sau nu un demon), goana sa dupa raspunsuri la cauzele care i-au destramat casnicia (rabinii), confruntarile sale morale ridicate de problema trecerii studentului strain... E o diferenta intre incertitudine si caracter aleatoriu. Mintile noastre sunt in contradictie cu universul din punctul asta de vedere. Starea universului tinde catre haos, catre o dezordine cat mai mare: daca reusesti sa creezi ordine intr-o parte (sa reduci entropia unui sistem local), aceasta ordine este compensata de cresterea entropiei in alta parte si astfel echilibrul se pastreaza. Dar mintea umana e diferita, ea tinde catre ordine, catre indepartarea haosului, a confuziilor, catre gasirea de raspunsuri. Suntem parca presetati sa fim diferiti de "ordinea fireasca a lucrurilor". Si aceasta impotrivire duce doar la crearea unui haos si mai mare intocmai cum un sistem care se indreapta spre echilibru termodinamic creeaza dezordine (teoria racirii Universului), fiindca de fapt tot ce incercam sa facem e sa ajungem la un echilibru cu noi insusi, cu lumea din jur, sa ne solutionam problemele... sa fim fericiti.
Eram confuz de ce acest film fusese nominalizat la Oscar, finalul filmului m-a lasat cu gura pe jumatate cascata pe jumatate pe cale sa scoata o injuratura fiindca nu intelegeam. Asa ca, m-am culcat. Astazi m-am trezit si am realizat ca filmul imi prezenta subtil toate aspectele prin care trec. Era mai mult despre mine. De ce nu pot sti ce gandesc altii ? De ce nu pot sti ce vreau ? De ce mi se intampla toate rahaturile cand eu incerc sa fiu ok cu toata lumea ? E o ironie a sortii sau doar o coincidenta ? De fapt, e un film despre vietile tuturor. Nu e nicio confuzie in film, el nu ofera solutii, el doar prezinta si ne lasa sa interpretam, sa ne intrebam. Cam ca si in viata. Viata se deruleaza indiferent de cate raspunsuri gasesti, si adesea un raspuns naste mai multe confuzii si intrebari. Schimbarea este singura constanta in viata. Suntem obisnuiti sa intelegem ca atunci cand se intampla ceva, trebuie sa existe o cauza determinabila care a dus la acel lucru, si daca identificam acea cauza, putem solutiona problema, si putem preveni aparitia ei in viitor. Asta nu e mereu adevarat. Daca ar fi asa, ne-am putea gandi ca am putea prezice viitorul, dupa spusele lui Lagrange, daca am avea suficienta putere de calcul pentru a vedea cum evolueaza in timp sistemele, cunoscand starea la un moment initial. Dar natura are acest mecanism, acest copyright pe care nu-l poti "crackui". Incertitudinea. Nu poti sti un lucru cu precizie 100%. Dar asta nu inseamna ca "totul e relativ" (adesea inteles ca "totul e subiectiv" - si atunci lumea crede ca in pofida acestui fals truism poate sa afirme orice si sa se bazeze pe relativitatea adevarului ca argument in sustinerea prostiei pe care a spus-o). Inseamna doar ca exista o limita a ceea ce poti acoperi la un moment dat, o limita peste care nu poti sa treci.
Per total, pot spune ca filmul a fost "meh". Mi-a reamintit de aceasta limita si mi-a sugerat sa mai tai din acceleratie. In fine, cred ca ma intorc la (meta)materialele mele.


