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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Omegle si geometria non-euclidiana

Tocmai mi-am consumat ultimele 3 ore discutand cu "straini absolut" pe chestia asta interesanta numita Omegle. A fost chiar mai placut decat ma asteptam. Iata logul unei discutii pe care am avut-o:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: why?
You: Because you can't handle it.
Stranger: :(
Stranger: you make me sad and happy inside
Stranger: thanks :(
You: I'm like Intel.
Stranger: yay
Stranger: intel for the.. lose
You: Just that I'm outside.
Stranger: oh...
Stranger: why?
Stranger: your outside..
Stranger: why..
Stranger: its cold!
You: No, I mean metaphysically.
Stranger: no shit
You: Yeah.
You: What's up ?
Stranger: or is it shit?
Stranger: ponder that question
Stranger: the sky
You: I don't know, I guess depends on religion.
Stranger: ?
Stranger: how are you?
You: I'm good.
You: And you ?
Stranger: pretty good
Stranger: ok
Stranger: lemme try and guess you
You: Go ahead.
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: m 20+ (usa/canada/england)
Stranger: im sure one of them will be right
You: 22, actually.
Stranger: unless your a f 10 from china
Stranger: 20+
Stranger: all right?
You: No, I;m a guy.
Stranger: 2 right
You: Yeh.
Stranger: and the end
Stranger: ?
You: No, none of those countries.
Stranger: dammit..
Stranger: which one?
You: Yeah.
You: You scored low today.
Stranger: 2 right..
Stranger: pretty good?
Stranger: country is harder though
You: Yes.
Stranger: gender is out of 2 (suprisingly)
Stranger: which country you from?
You: Romania.
Stranger: cool
Stranger: would have took me along time to guess
You: What about you.
You: Yep.
Stranger: do you wanna guess
Stranger: or shall i just say?
You: I'
You: I'll guess.
You: After we speak a while.
You: So tell me about your day.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: my day
Stranger: it was ok
You: What life changing revelations did you have today ?
Stranger: i found a dead frog
You: Interesting.
Stranger: was pretty life changing
You: You know suffering is the first of the 4 noble truths.
Stranger: :(
Stranger: i know
You: HAve you thought of suffering ?
Stranger: damn noble truths
You: When you saw the frog.
Stranger: when you say suffering
Stranger: do you mean suffering things?
Stranger: or my suffering?
You: Suffering in general.
Stranger: or other peoples/things suffering
Stranger: abit
You: The feeling of suffering.
Stranger: it was quite horrible
Stranger: i mean
Stranger: a cat attacked it
Stranger: and left it
You: Did you saw the whole thing ?
You: *see
Stranger: yes..
You: Sorry, It's 1 AM here.
You: Did you have a good day besides the dead frog ?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: 1am?
Stranger: its...
Stranger: damn
Stranger: cannot reveal
Stranger: its 5am?
Stranger: or maby 5pm
You: 1 AM is 1 in the night.
You: Or at night.
Stranger: yes
Stranger: wanna guess yet?
You: It's Monday here already.
Stranger: :o
Stranger: already.
Stranger: nooo!
Stranger: you better get sleep?
You: No, I;m good.
You: Don't work.
You: Only got school.
Stranger: ok..
Stranger: cool
Stranger: what do you do at school
You: And today I'm free.
Stranger: what do you study?
You: Applied Physics.
You: Do you study anything ?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i mean
Stranger: dam..
Stranger: age slightly revealed
Stranger: not that my grammar and typing will show it anyway
Stranger: i do maths physics biology and chemistry
You: So you're in highschool.
Stranger: pretty much
Stranger: come on
You: Or coming out of it.
Stranger: i had hardly any clues
Stranger: how many do you want
Stranger: yes im in highschool
Stranger: (we call it college here in ......)
You: And you study natural sciences.
Stranger: not really
You: We call it highscool until age 18.
Stranger: we had the choice of 4 subjects
You: And faculty after 18.
Stranger: and i choose these
You: You must live in a Western country.
You: If your educational system allowed you to choose.
Stranger: we call it secondary school 11-16 college 16-18 university 18+
Stranger: indeed
You: I see.
Stranger: you didnt get to choose after highschool
Stranger: ?
You: I did.
You: There's general school until 15.
You: Highschool from 15 to 18.
You: And faculty/university after.
Stranger: closeish to ours then
You: There are predefined profiles that you can choose in highschool.
Stranger: whats applied physics like?
You: Applied Physics is quite a nice domain.
Stranger: what are the things you do?
Stranger: just a general idea please
You: Somewhat opposed to Theoretical Physics but intertwined with it nonetheless.
You: Well...
You: I study all Physics.
You: Starting from Mechanics.
Stranger: so its not "what would happen if i was going near the speed of light with a mirror infront of myself/threw a rock/shined a light"
You: Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism, Statistical Physics, Quantum Physics, Nuclear Physics etc...
Stranger: cool
Stranger: i plan to do physics at university
You: Relativity is only a small part of Physics.
Stranger: i know it is
Stranger: im just saying
Stranger: as an example
You: We don;t really deal with it extensively.
Stranger: i cant give an example to everything
You: But it's useful for astrophysics yeah.
Stranger: it doesnt really go with the applied bit does it.
You: Well relativity is really pronounced at large scales and high speeds.
You: Of course there is need for it.
Stranger: i know
Stranger: but ..
Stranger: oh never mind
You: When dealing with subatomic Physics, involving relativistic speeds.
You: Our focus is on engineering.
You: Optoelectronics, lasers, environmental Phnysics...
Stranger: i know it is needed , but at the moment it isnt really relivent to alot of people in the way engineering and other things are
You: Yes, it's not that practical to use in real life situations.
Stranger: unlesss for some reason we go to near speeds of light
You: Though some parts of it are used in space travel and even airport traffic for example.
Stranger: then im not sure it really matters, because we will see anyway
Stranger: if we die
Stranger: airport traffic
You: Like non-euclidian mathematics.
You: Yes.
Stranger: relativity?
Stranger: whats euclidian?
You: It's hard to explain.
You: Euclid was a mathematician who proposed a few geometrical axioms.
You: In the hypothesis that space is "straight".
You: But in reality, space is curved around objects with large masses, as relativity shows.
Stranger: i see what you mean now
You: And for example, in a euclidian space, two parallel lines never meet when they are extended to infinity.
Stranger: aha
Stranger: and they do?
You: Well in reality, there is no such thing as line parallelism because there is no such thing as a straight ine.
Stranger: well yeah i know. but at basic levels
You: The shortest distance between two objects is not a line, but a curve.
Stranger: a curve?
You: And this becomes more pregnant as we approach large masses, or a higher curvature of space.
Stranger: is it?
Stranger: can you explain or is too detailed?
You: Yes, but at our scale, we can safely assume it's a line.
You: Well, think of 2 points on the surface of a sphere.
Stranger: is that at large scale or small scale?
You: And try to connect them with a straight line.
Stranger: because we dont know the shape of the universe?
You: You will see that the line forming a cord in a circle that cuts that transverses the sphere is actually longer than the circumference of the arc between the points.
Stranger: sorry im just trying to simplyfy it to my terms, because you are a hell of alot smarter than i am
You: A circle that transverses the sphere.
You: Sorry.
You: As in it cuts the sphere in two.
Stranger: no prob
Stranger: a hah...
You: So you would travel a shorter distance if you were to just walk along that arc.
You: Than to go in a straight line.
Stranger: i understand now
You: This is what non-euclidian geometry is all about.
Stranger: so does this apply to large scale?
Stranger: or small?
You: Yes, of course.
You: At large scales, where curvature is greater.
You: Think of the curvature of Earth.
You: Or any other large mass object.
Stranger: but if were in space and just say we wanted to go to another point a great distance apart
Stranger: would we know which way would be the best?
You: This is due to the fact that, as Einstein predicted and then showed, an object with mass creates a hole in the space-time fabric.
Stranger: fastest*
You: Well not really a hole, but just bends it, you know what I mean.
Stranger: i know
Stranger: like an example is a sheet held out
Stranger: with balls placed in
You: Yes, or a piece of elastic fib er.
Stranger: is that sort of a good example?
You: The elastic fiber is better.
Stranger: oh well
You: Because gravity is a force of attraction.
Stranger: its an elastic sheet
You: So when the object, say a star, becomes lighter, gravity starts to push on it.
You: And if the push of the gravity is great enough, it can "Gravitationally collapse" it.
You: And create what is called a blackhole.
Stranger: :O
Stranger: so what is in the centre of a black hole?
Stranger: just condensed matter
You: No one actually knows.
You: Yes, it seems that blackholes even emit radiation.
You: As Hawking showed it, I think.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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